My Story
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Harry Potter

Yeah!! Harry Potter’s 6th book is coming out tmr. =P But I won’t be buying it until the soft cover version come out I guess. The hard cover is RM99.90. So expensive. :( Kher Shean told me that if pre-order in Popular got 20% discount and they even have soft cover version. God only knows where she got the info from….cos I went to Popular today and there’s only a 10% discount and NO soft cover version. She even told me she went there to order. Haih….I guess she misunderstood. So…whoever that reads the 6th book…pls don’t tell me the story….=P That’s what happened when I didn’t buy the 5th book early. I knew the story b4 I read it thanks to all the Harry Potter fans.
Enough about Harry Potter, back to school. Next week I have Physics and Chemistry monthly tests. I’m so dead. When I tried doing the tutorial my Physics teacher gave us to do, out of 29 questions….I think I could only do 10 (and that’s not even the whole question). Chemistry is also bad…for instance today, when we finished our practical on titration, we had to answer 2 questions and I didn’t even know how to do it.
“Form 6 is for hardworking ppl”…I’ve heard this statement so many times from so many ppl. I guess it’s true but I haven’t started revising anything yet. :( Doesn’t seem like I’m the hardworking person fit for Form 6. Guess I DO have to start working hard….I think I’ve said this many times…=P
posted by z_jun at 2:45 PM

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