My Story
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Normally I won't be online at this hour on a school day... But I came on business....=p dad asked me to come to search for how to pay for astro. Cos my house astro got cut this afternoon. And tonight got france and portugal game. It's not that my dad didn't's cos he use autodebit and somehow the bank didn't pay for 1 month. So my astro becomes the victim. Hope that this can be settled quickly. Cos I really wanna watch tonight's match. I hope France wins. Hate Cristiano Ronaldo. Such a complainer and a faker. Love Zizou. Such a talented old player. I really hope that France wins the world cup this year...
And what the hell is wrong with friendster??? Sign in and they don't direct me to my homepage also. Haih...I don't come online for 3 weeks...and the whole system goes havoc...=p
And what the hell is wrong with friendster??? Sign in and they don't direct me to my homepage also. Haih...I don't come online for 3 weeks...and the whole system goes havoc...=p
posted by z_jun at 2:58 PM

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