My Story
Friday, May 26, 2006
Yeahhh....mid year exams finally over!! But I think I did very badly o...cos I didn't prepare well. D only subject I studied properly is Physics but I didn't do many questions or what so d exam turned out to b quite tough oso :( Other subjects were equally badly done especially Maths...both papers. It's a torture because I don't seem to know what I should do to solve the questions in front of me. I have no idea cos I've nvr seen those questions before. Yet, others can say it was not bad...haih....I know...I didn't really study for it either. Hmm...STPM is about 5 months more and I'm in this condition. What can I do?? Guess I'll have to sacrifice my 2 weeks holidays to catch up as my Physics teacher advises. Hehe....but of course still have to enjoy also la...enjoy + study la... haih...don't like exams at all. Why why why do we have exams created?? We study so much and only that little is tested. Hmm...I guess that's why the govt has decided to change the system of education. However, will the change work? How do u change the society's mindset? I wonder...well we'll js have to wait and see the results in the future. =p
posted by z_jun at 10:23 PM

Zun Jun, u can do it! Don't always worry about exams! U already try it! I think u try better.....coz u are cleverer than me.....Nevermind....I always sokong u and wish u best luck.....I love u.....DON'T WORRY! From : Sek Koon
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