My Story
Monday, March 06, 2006
Note: I DON’T have double accounts on friendster. I don’t have THAT many friends...=p The other Zhi Jun is a 14-year-old guy who also studies in ACS. Haha…yeah…so coincidentally we have the same name but of course a different surname. Actually I already knew that a guy with the same name as me is in the same school as me. Cos I helped (my dad) type d Form 1 name list last year. But, dat guy just found out recently I guess.
Anyway, today he came looking for me in my class. Dat time I was not having any lessons (MUET teacher ‘busy’…so happy!), then my classmate called from behind n said someone wanted to c me. I thought a teacher wanted to pass some letters to my dad or something liddat. When I went out, saw this Zhi Jun in prefect uniform. Haha…I could recognize him cos of his pics in friendster. Luckily, cos if not, I would have been soooo blur… He just said ‘nice to meet ya’ and chao-ed.
What a coincidence…1st person that I know has the same name as me…and he’s in the same school as me. Whether my name is a guy’s name or his is a girl’s name….I’m not sure….hehe…but I guess it could be both depending on the Chinese characters…=p
Anyway, today he came looking for me in my class. Dat time I was not having any lessons (MUET teacher ‘busy’…so happy!), then my classmate called from behind n said someone wanted to c me. I thought a teacher wanted to pass some letters to my dad or something liddat. When I went out, saw this Zhi Jun in prefect uniform. Haha…I could recognize him cos of his pics in friendster. Luckily, cos if not, I would have been soooo blur… He just said ‘nice to meet ya’ and chao-ed.
What a coincidence…1st person that I know has the same name as me…and he’s in the same school as me. Whether my name is a guy’s name or his is a girl’s name….I’m not sure….hehe…but I guess it could be both depending on the Chinese characters…=p
posted by z_jun at 6:24 PM

Hey gal.. how r u? 3 months d u stop, miss u leh~ Anyway, that must be some cute guy~ hhehe d kiddy way la...=P
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