My Story
Monday, January 04, 2010
Another new year has come. I didn't do anything special to welcome the year. Neither have I made any resolutions for the year. But then again, what resolutions are there to make since each and everyday is a new day right? I don't have much goals except to finish up uni and of course enjoy the process... I probably can recycle my previous year's goals since I didn't really fulfil them last time round...
The reason I'm writing again in my blog is just because I'm bored. Only a few days in Singapore and I'm already bored. Wish that school would start soon...but then again don't really want the hectic life to start all over again. Last sem was really busy and I am glad that it's over. And I hope this sem will be alright.
Anyway, looking forward to Chinese New that I can be home once again... :)
posted by z_jun at 2:35 PM

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