My Story
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It feels like the weekend is here already since my Fridays are free (hopefully it stays this way...though I doubt I can keep it free). The first week into the 2nd semester of my third year (boy do I feel old) is pretty slack for me considering the total number of hours of lectures I had was pretty minimal. Even weeks won't be as slack though and when labs and projects start, I wonder how much time I will have left for myself. Out of the 5 modules I'm taking, 4 has group projects whereby 3 are 5-ppl group and 1 is an 8 person group. Personally, I hate having to form groups because it's either I have too many ppl or noone taking the same module with me. However, generally I would say that the group formation has been going alright for the moment. Except for my "Animal Behaviour" module which I'm taking alone and I'm js waiting for the lecturer to assign me to some strangers. Hopefully I'll be able to work well with whoever they are.
Overall, lectures for this week has been quite lightweight. The modules that I'm taking are all pretty interesting sounding (at least for the beginning it is...) except for EE3001 which is a biz-like module and is a requirement for all ECE students. After "6 hours of lecture" I have no idea how we are supposed to really carry it out. Hopefully my group mates will help me through it. Other than the core, I'm taking 3 other electives. 1 design module EE4415 which is actually about designing integrated circuits. It's quite lab intensive (30%) according to the lecturer. Hope I can pull through this 40-student class. EE4210 which is CCN 2 should be an interesting module as it is more about networking and stuff that I had expected to learn when I applied for CPE. Personally, I feel it's more current to the technology in the world now instead of learning about the basic transistors and so on. But then again, we probably need the basics to learn the advanced rite? Another elective I'm taking is CS2102 which is database management. I was kind of forced to take CS after a sem trying to avoid it. Honestly, I don't exactly know what a database is and hopefully I'll know after I go through this sem then.
Enough about studies. Hall stuff...there's been a lot of new faces around hall since now the "freshies" are in already. So, the comm hall is back to its original queues and hustle and bustle which is kinda weird. After last sem, we kinda got used to the peaceful surroundings in hall. But o well, most importantly, Swee Yee and Ee Hiang are back and they are just staying a floor below me hahahaha...
I wonder if it's Shu Lin's influence but I can't help not being influenced by her chanting of "keep fit keep fit". Anyway, cos of her, I have been going swimming a couple of times. Also, I've been on the look out for exercise classes. We are currently looking for the Yoga class and if it's suitable we might join. Another sport that I would like to join is Capoeira. Actually, I've wanted to join that since Year 1 but didn't really get to it. I went for the welcome tea yesterday and it was pretty fun. It's a dance + fight thingy. It's quite cool learning new stuff and a bit different from Taekwondo or should I say a lot different. It's nice to see the seniors/professionals sparring/playing. They make it look damn cool with half acrobatics stunts here and there. I wonder how long will it be before I can do that though. O well, I'm still pondering on it now...c how first la...
posted by z_jun at 7:26 PM

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