My Story
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oh....Chong Wei won over Bao Chunlai!!! He continues his unbeaten streak against Bao Chunlai. Amazing...I wonder what's his technique that causes his winnings against the Chinese player. I think he should teach it to Choong Hann cos Choong Hann hasn't won any matches against Bao Chunlai before if I'm not mistaken. So Chong Wei's in the semis. He's up against Taufik next. Gosh....I hope he'll play well....Chong Wei I mean. The other semis is Lin Dan against Peter Gade. Peter Gade is another amazing fellow. He hurt his finger but still can play so well. =PSo I can watch badminton live on TV1. =P Yeah...gonna watch it at 10.30 and 3 am. I hope I don't bring bad luck to Chong Wei. I think Chong Ming-Kien Keat is playing right now.
posted by z_jun at 10:17 AM

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