My Story
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I am so confused now. Went to a computer shop in Bukit Tinggi yesterday to buy laptop. The ppl there were quite friendly-providing plenty of information on the specifications of the laptops there. He was only selling 3 brands: Toshiba, Acer and Asus. I was set on Acer but then the person there kind of put it down saying got lots of problems after a few years and it's made of plastic and all sorts. He was pushing me to buy a Toshiba (Japan product). The specs- Intel Core Duo processor, 2GB RAM, quite wide screen for RM2799. I didn't like it at first because it was rather big and heavy. There's another one smaller in size with free webcam for RM500 more. after few hours there thinking of ahich to buy i decided ok get the Toshiba. Then only the fella said this is the last piece... :( For both the was the showroom pieces!! I don't want a showroom piece. I said will think it over first la. now still have to crack my head. Asus?? Acer?? Or Dell?? Hehe... And then, genuine windows?? Or not?? So many little own fault. But, looks like I'll be getting the Asus or go other place to buy. See how la...still got at least 7 days to think haha. Actually, not so many days la...make up your mind!!! Aargh...
posted by z_jun at 10:45 AM

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