My Story
Friday, August 24, 2007
Family visiting....Day 1
Generally a good and happy day today (except for the boooring physics lec...gosh...i think i DID fall asleep at one point). Y? Cos my parents n sis r in Sg to visit me yay. So happy... They arrived round 6pm only cos they visited my other sis in JB. Haha...brought all my nesseccities (dunno how to spell) food mooncake oso...the festival's coming around soon i suppose. Gonna b a fat piggy soon...haha too much exercise til can't balance the incoming food. Kla not only got food la...other stuff like my badminton racquet and my tkd uniform oso....oh and my soft toy hehe...d doggy, 1 out of my many at home *sniff*. Miss my home.... :( Well, luckily got most of my home here for the weekend. So, we went to techno edge for dinner. Then, after dat my mum's cousin came n brought us to his house. I think my mum's last visit there was like 20 years ago man...wif my grandma. Well, that was all for today cos they dumped me back at hostel cos tmr I got class at 9. 1 hour class...then I'm free to go spend my weekend. Hooray!!!
posted by z_jun at 12:17 AM

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