My Story
Monday, September 10, 2007
To ask or not to ask
Ever since I was a young girl...ok starting to sound like a grandmother story.... Ok straight to the point. Since young, I never liked asking questions....questions in front of a bunch of people you don't really know. Well I don't know since when but as far as I can remember, I'm quite publicly shy and never asks questions whether I have doubts or not. Of course, this can't possibly be good for me especially now when we step into uni life. In uni, we have these tutorials where it's supposedly a small group to discuss questions we need to tackle. Though I hv queries, it always doesn't seem fitting for me to sound it out. I still prefer to just run it around my mind...if someone happens to have the same ques and asks then bravo I get the answer. If not, I'll just throw the ques at an equally blur peer and we'll just be staring at each other saying dunno. So, I dunno if it's a relaxed attitude of me or what...but somehow after a while I just forget bout the whole matter that's just 'wondering' in me...and just leave it at that. I might go and ask around and if still dun get the answer I'll just take it as that. Absorb it as it is. It never occurs to me to go all out and look for tutor or any other pakar to find out the answer. Mayb it's small details to me...Is this caused by my childhood experience last time? I don't think so as I dun c how that small little thing could affect me now. So, what should I do to change this part of me. It's not that I don't care about studies. It's not that I don't want to know more about it. It's just that sometimes I feel...must I know this? Very little chances of using this need noe la...bad attitude I know. But, if we were to go anf fiddle over all the minor details in whatever problem we're tackling how would we come to a conclusion. Though some of the minor details are not that minor, would it hurt to take more time to go and understand it, although take longer, but MUST we always turn to someone for help? Can't we just sleep over it....think and think again and again....won't we get the answer then? My style...may look relaxed....gotta buck up though...or gonna get left behind....ok...this post is just everything that was running thru my mind at this it might be very disorganised....and incomprehensible...
posted by z_jun at 10:11 PM

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