My Story
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Beginning to feel more and more not suited for Marketing. Yes the lectures are fun...but that's to introduce us to the concepts of marketing only. The real thing is in the tutorials...the assignments...the group projects. Tutorials...each tutorial we discuss the everyone like gives their ideas. Haih....hate these exercises though the tutor doesn't force you to give ideas. She just encourages ideas...though I kinda feel intimidated when people come up with brilliant thinkings and voices it out. Next are the assignments. Other groups they have to do every assignment and their tutors will ask them to hand it up randomly. My tutor she tells us which to do and discusses before we pass up. Wah so nice leh? NO. I thought so lucky at first. But, they say her marking is very strict...and now I dunno how to do my assignment cos she discussed almost all the points already. Then, what are we supposed to write? We can't copy blindly what she tells us...I'm at a lost to what to do...cos we're supposed to come out with more ideas? anyone else struggling? Group project...we're doing Starbucks case study. For now, we dunno what to cover yet. So we'll js be trying to do as much research as possible. We only have three weeks...and one week is midterm break, 2 weeks got midterm test. Gosh...can we manage? And how will we present it...I'm seriously scared and afraid cos I seem to have zero knowledge on all these me!!!
posted by z_jun at 12:33 PM

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