My Story
Saturday, April 19, 2008
1. Real name : Lee Zhi Jun
2. Nickname : A lot of mispronunced forms of my name...
3. Married : Obviously not.
4. Male or Female : Female
5. Highschool : SMK Convent Klang, SM Methodist (ACS) Klang (Form 6)
6. College : NUS
7. Short or long hair : Short
8. Are you a health freak : No
9. Height : 157/8... Tirza I think you should be over 160 ler...
10. Do you have a crush on someone : Not that I know of
11. Do you like yourself : Why not?
12. Piercings : Had but closed d
13. Righty or Lefty : Righty
14. First surgery : None.
15. First piercing(s) : Ear!! But then closed dy hehe...
16. First person you see in the morning : Currently? Swee Yee lor...
17. First award : Award? Urm kindergarten??
18. First sport you joined : Should be badminton kua...
19. First pet : Rabbits I think...was too small to take care of them anyway
20. First vacation : Urh...
22. First crush : Nil
23. Eating : Yes.
24. Drinking : No.
25. I'm about to : Study for finals...lots to catch up
26. Want kids : Sure
27. Want to get married : Ah....
28. Careers in mind : Still cloudy
29. Lips or eyes : Eyes
30. Hugs or kisses : Hugs
31. Shorter or taller : Taller
32. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic bah...
33. Sensitive or loud : Sensitive
34. Trouble maker or hesitant : Hesitant...
35. Kissed a stranger : no
36. Drank bubbles : Bubbles??
37. Lost glasses/contacts : No...broke plenty
38. Ran away from home : NO
39. Liked someone younger : Not that I can remember
40. Liked someone older : Dunno
41. Broken someone's heart : hope not
42. Been arrested : Nola
43. Cried when someone died : Sad yes...can't remember if I cried
44. Liked a friend : Dunno
45. Yourself : I try to
46. Miracles : No
47. Heaven : Yes
48. Santa claus : No
49. Angels : No
50. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yes
51. Do you believe in God : Yes
I'm supposed to tag people?? Hmm...Dunno who to...
2. Nickname : A lot of mispronunced forms of my name...
3. Married : Obviously not.
4. Male or Female : Female
5. Highschool : SMK Convent Klang, SM Methodist (ACS) Klang (Form 6)
6. College : NUS
7. Short or long hair : Short
8. Are you a health freak : No
9. Height : 157/8... Tirza I think you should be over 160 ler...
10. Do you have a crush on someone : Not that I know of
11. Do you like yourself : Why not?
12. Piercings : Had but closed d
13. Righty or Lefty : Righty
14. First surgery : None.
15. First piercing(s) : Ear!! But then closed dy hehe...
16. First person you see in the morning : Currently? Swee Yee lor...
17. First award : Award? Urm kindergarten??
18. First sport you joined : Should be badminton kua...
19. First pet : Rabbits I think...was too small to take care of them anyway
20. First vacation : Urh...
22. First crush : Nil
23. Eating : Yes.
24. Drinking : No.
25. I'm about to : Study for finals...lots to catch up
26. Want kids : Sure
27. Want to get married : Ah....
28. Careers in mind : Still cloudy
29. Lips or eyes : Eyes
30. Hugs or kisses : Hugs
31. Shorter or taller : Taller
32. Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic bah...
33. Sensitive or loud : Sensitive
34. Trouble maker or hesitant : Hesitant...
35. Kissed a stranger : no
36. Drank bubbles : Bubbles??
37. Lost glasses/contacts : No...broke plenty
38. Ran away from home : NO
39. Liked someone younger : Not that I can remember
40. Liked someone older : Dunno
41. Broken someone's heart : hope not
42. Been arrested : Nola
43. Cried when someone died : Sad yes...can't remember if I cried
44. Liked a friend : Dunno
45. Yourself : I try to
46. Miracles : No
47. Heaven : Yes
48. Santa claus : No
49. Angels : No
50. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yes
51. Do you believe in God : Yes
I'm supposed to tag people?? Hmm...Dunno who to...
posted by z_jun at 10:05 AM

I'm not sure heheee, I think I may be gua lol...maybe 161 or 162 hehee
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