My Story
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I just roamed into an old fren's friendster page and went to c her blog. The latest post was dated months back. The whole blog is so dark and gloomy. Either she only blogs when she's moody (which I hope is the case) or she really feels her life is that miserable. I've known her since I was standard 5...and considered grew up with her and was quite close to her cos of out mutual activity, Taekwondo. Through the years, I've seen her grow from a sweet girl to a somewhat tomboy...I thought it's just a phase of the tomboy-ness behaviour is quite 'in' especially in a girl's school like ours. But, it kinda stuck on her...whatever factors that drives her to this decision it's ok...I dun care...she still is my fren...but to sense that she's so miserable is so saddening to me. I nvr really got to talk heart-to heart stuff with her just once in a while she expresses what is going on in her life and what she feels...just that few moments I don't feel it's adequate...I nvr realised...and have not much chance to advise her...I have always imagined her to be this happy, cheerful, friendly girl that is so confident when socializing that she doesn't have any problems in that I'm in Singapore I don't meet her very often...I don't really have contact with her...I feel as though I can't do much...though I really feel I want to and I ought to...The recent time I went to pasar malam in Klang I met her, and she seemed quite odd...quite weird...din really talk much to me...either she js woke up or something really is wrong deep down inside haih...what can I do what can I??? I really don't want this old fren to js slip away into someone I totally dunno...I don't want to lose a fren this way....y do ppl's sad...
posted by z_jun at 12:03 AM

Some people's blogs look gloomier than they actually are, because they use it as some stress outlet,so they tend to write things that are very... extreme. So don't take things TOO badly, it might not be THAT bad :)
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