My Story
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Back alone once again in my room. Today, seems like everyone is very busy. Mostly cos of the concert. It's nearing...making d deadline nearer and everyone more n more kan cheong. Am I lucky to be in fundraising or what? The most is once every week one car wash...and we get aux for that as well. Most people will envy us that we have so much free time in our hands. Yet, don't think we do no work at all. It might seem less...but we do still have to do spending time for those events. We don't go....ah 8 hours up....1 aux that's it. I dunno if all of us are on the same frequency...but I don't. I try to contribute as much time as I can afford to help out in the bazaar or car wash. Regardless of how how many hours that is. Like day before, I went around asking for people to do car wash. First thing they ask is....aux ah...half aux got what use bla bla bla. So hard to get people to volunteer isn't it. Though can't blame them at all...cos if I were in other departments of concert and not fundraising...I might think like that as well. But, since I am...I try to do as much as I can to help that we get enough funds for the concert. Guess we all do depend on each other...
Wonder y I feel so lonely tonight...hmm...anyway....went for badminton training last 2 nights. It kind of brings back memories of training last time. We trained footwork, hitting shuttles, played some matches though I suck at games. Keep making some stupid mistakes each time. Damn tiring... I have always js played with my dad or's all for leisure. But, it's good that now gotta improve my game... Ya...couldn't study much I dunno y...each time I sit down to...the shuttlecock comes into the picture...wahaha...I sound like a badminton addict don't I? I'm going home this Sat. Yesss....hopefully can catch my dad to play badminton with me. Haha...
Oh yeah....celebrated Shu Lin's birthday last night. Supposed to be a surprise...but after gone through so many birthday parties....Shu Lin was expecting it already. What more...she had to come back from costumes and c me lurking around her room haih. I really screwed up the surprise. least we all had a celebration...and cake to eat wahaha... We really need to think of other ways to celebrate... =p Happy 20th birthday Shu Lin. May ur long birthday wish be granted haha...
Yeah...I gotta not get used to sleeping late....argh...nvr liked to sleep so late...though even my now bedtime is considered early for most. But, no energy for class leh....especially PC1432...damn boring le that lecture....had a good doze at the last 15 minutes today....gosh...can't believe I'm sleeping in classes...
Countdown to home : 1 + half day
Wonder y I feel so lonely tonight...hmm...anyway....went for badminton training last 2 nights. It kind of brings back memories of training last time. We trained footwork, hitting shuttles, played some matches though I suck at games. Keep making some stupid mistakes each time. Damn tiring... I have always js played with my dad or's all for leisure. But, it's good that now gotta improve my game... Ya...couldn't study much I dunno y...each time I sit down to...the shuttlecock comes into the picture...wahaha...I sound like a badminton addict don't I? I'm going home this Sat. Yesss....hopefully can catch my dad to play badminton with me. Haha...
Oh yeah....celebrated Shu Lin's birthday last night. Supposed to be a surprise...but after gone through so many birthday parties....Shu Lin was expecting it already. What more...she had to come back from costumes and c me lurking around her room haih. I really screwed up the surprise. least we all had a celebration...and cake to eat wahaha... We really need to think of other ways to celebrate... =p Happy 20th birthday Shu Lin. May ur long birthday wish be granted haha...
Yeah...I gotta not get used to sleeping late....argh...nvr liked to sleep so late...though even my now bedtime is considered early for most. But, no energy for class leh....especially PC1432...damn boring le that lecture....had a good doze at the last 15 minutes today....gosh...can't believe I'm sleeping in classes...
Countdown to home : 1 + half day
posted by z_jun at 8:27 PM

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