My Story
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
So halfway through finals. 3 down...2 more to go. And the coming one PC1432 that's Physics on Friday is gonna need so much preparation. Cos I feel like I have lost touch with everything in Physics. Physics now and in STPM...there's so much difference. I miss my Physics teacher, Miss Ratnam. She was always so patient in explaining to us...even though sometimes we don't really pay attention when she teaches...but when we ask her how to do the question or ask her to explain again, she would do so tirelessly. She's just such an amazing teacher. Thanks to her I could fully understand the stuff I was studying. But now, I'm left hanging in the air...not familiar with anything at all.
After Physics it'll be slightly more relaxing...cos only left Marketing. Though that period is another time of cramming since I know nuts about's too bad my tutorial didn't force us to do all the assignments. I would have learned much more if I had done it. Okay...maybe should blame myself for not taking that extra effort and checking the answers...arghh...but it's just too late to turn back time. Gotta just deal with what I did and can do right?
Anyway, so far my exams...not too good la...I'm never the type that can come out of the examination hall and say YES I know I scored that's either an ok or hmm I didn't do very well...could have done better if.... Haih 'if-s'...
I'll be going back on the 6th, 2 days after the exam...wahaha....home sweet home here I come.... Honestly, I can't wait for the final 2 exams to that I can be FREE....well at least for a month haha though I did plan to start to brush up on some stuff during the hols. If I don't, I'll be lagging like now again. For now, cram Physics.... *sigh*
After Physics it'll be slightly more relaxing...cos only left Marketing. Though that period is another time of cramming since I know nuts about's too bad my tutorial didn't force us to do all the assignments. I would have learned much more if I had done it. Okay...maybe should blame myself for not taking that extra effort and checking the answers...arghh...but it's just too late to turn back time. Gotta just deal with what I did and can do right?
Anyway, so far my exams...not too good la...I'm never the type that can come out of the examination hall and say YES I know I scored that's either an ok or hmm I didn't do very well...could have done better if.... Haih 'if-s'...
I'll be going back on the 6th, 2 days after the exam...wahaha....home sweet home here I come.... Honestly, I can't wait for the final 2 exams to that I can be FREE....well at least for a month haha though I did plan to start to brush up on some stuff during the hols. If I don't, I'll be lagging like now again. For now, cram Physics.... *sigh*
posted by z_jun at 8:07 PM

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