My Story
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Another week is coming to an end. Look back at the week and I ask myself, what have I achieved...other than "overachieving" my number of badminton matches...studies wise I can't say I can be proud of myself. Progress has been really slow I don't know why. Maybe it's cos I can take the whole night to solve one whole tutorial of Maths...just 4 -5 hours trying to solve it...and 1 -2 more hours asking friends how to do. Gosh...and that also I wonder if anything is commited into my memory. Have I been working hard enough? But, there's just that many hours in a day...I can't possibly be studying 24/7...make use of the maximum free hours that I have? Ya...I find that I "study" almost everytime I'm in the room...minus some time allocated for sleeping. I think my problem is my method of studying. Hmm...I either skip subjects too fast, give up easily on one and move on to another only to do the same, or stick too long to it...either way nothing much goes into my head...yeah maybe I need to really use my head after all...but somehow I never liked memorising...doing questions is good yet I doubt there's enough time to do various types of questions unless u're really skilled in picking out the questions. So, finals in 4 more weeks? Yet, I'm still stuck...stuck in the midst of formulas, techniques, blurness...need to understand why and how me....oh wait...noone can help me but Zhi yourself quick... *emph*
posted by z_jun at 11:11 PM

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