My Story
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well I haven't blogged for quite some time. Maybe cos I was so busy this week. Wait...what was I busy with? Hmm...I don't know either...just felt like there was not much time for myself the 1st 3 days of the week. I know Monday I had lab which sucked like hell. Had no idea what to do and what to record in the experiment. Only after halfway through the report I notice that oh we need this and that and that....haih. Well...too bad for my lab marks la. It's PC lab by the way which I just found out today that my mid term results very cha. Hmm...well then Monday night had to go for Marketing group meeting...Starbucks...practiced our presentation for the next day. Which I am glad has finally come and gone. Hehe...presented for about 4 minutes the intro part of the "case study" and a sort of big burden was lifted off me. Glad we finally pulled through and got done with it. It was pretty scary at first cos before the class we found out that nobody had printed out our written case study. Ended up me and Madhu walked all the way to HSSM, fiddled with a few computers to print out that 8 page long thing. We were late for tutorial but thank God we weren't the first group to present. now no need to worry of presentations...for the rest of the sem?
Yup then Wednesday got CS lab my whole 3 days were filled with classes and labs...luckily I'll be more free next week as there it's an even week and most of my tutorials are on odd weeks hee... It's time to catch up on studies. My mid term results have been either just scraped through the average marks or below average. So terribly bad. Makes me think over if I made the right choice coming to NUS. As Wei Jian said before, if we stay in Malaysia...there's a higher probability that we'll perform better there compared to here. So, which is more worth it, 1st class in Malaysia or averagely in NUS? Well, since I'm here already and time can't be turned back (even if it could...I'll most probably still end up here), I'll just have to do my best, look back at how I performed in mid terms, and work harder to make up for it. It does make u feel like u're really lagging and want to catch up... I'll just console myself that it IS after all the first test...(ok...maybe first test should perform well as it's supposed to be "easier")...well I can live with that...pick up from where I fall and MOVE ON.
Yup then Wednesday got CS lab my whole 3 days were filled with classes and labs...luckily I'll be more free next week as there it's an even week and most of my tutorials are on odd weeks hee... It's time to catch up on studies. My mid term results have been either just scraped through the average marks or below average. So terribly bad. Makes me think over if I made the right choice coming to NUS. As Wei Jian said before, if we stay in Malaysia...there's a higher probability that we'll perform better there compared to here. So, which is more worth it, 1st class in Malaysia or averagely in NUS? Well, since I'm here already and time can't be turned back (even if it could...I'll most probably still end up here), I'll just have to do my best, look back at how I performed in mid terms, and work harder to make up for it. It does make u feel like u're really lagging and want to catch up... I'll just console myself that it IS after all the first test...(ok...maybe first test should perform well as it's supposed to be "easier")...well I can live with that...pick up from where I fall and MOVE ON.
posted by z_jun at 8:26 PM

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