My Story
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Almost another non-blogging week. Cos most of my time is spent on studying or lab so got nothing much to blog about I suppose. Anyway, time sure passes by so quickly when you don't want it to. That is why we really must stop sometimes and just appreciate the day. If not, our life will be just a blur of words flowing from the our textbooks. We should just take a look around at the people, the events happening around us...
Hah...speak for myself I should say. I must admit that my nose has been pretty buried in books these days. Gotta do well in midterms I tell myself...but being stuck at my table does NOT mean that I'm gonna pass with flying colours...cos I spend quite some time daydreaming or fiddling with my comp rather then studying...I just realised there's only 2 and a half days left to MLE midterm. And, I have only done some tutorial ques and just did one chapter's questions. What have I been doing earlier? It's not like I nvr touched this subject...I have been just had not been going in my brain. Wow...when the 'deadline' is nearby, it sure pushes u to a great extent. Of course I always wish to finish way before the deadline is here...sometimes you just don't manage to find time until the very last minute...
On another note, I find people's personalitites very hard to predict these days... One minute you think you know them so well, the next you find that you don't know the person at all... People don't change overnight they say...ah you'll be surprised... I dunno if I appear so unstable myself....but I think I can predict my moods pretty well...when C++ lab comes out, I go into 'depressed' gear, once it's done, I shift back to happy and cheerful mood again haha...well I would like to think that I'm cheerful...
So, one week of midterms...I must jia you...everyone else too!!! Jia you!!!
Hah...speak for myself I should say. I must admit that my nose has been pretty buried in books these days. Gotta do well in midterms I tell myself...but being stuck at my table does NOT mean that I'm gonna pass with flying colours...cos I spend quite some time daydreaming or fiddling with my comp rather then studying...I just realised there's only 2 and a half days left to MLE midterm. And, I have only done some tutorial ques and just did one chapter's questions. What have I been doing earlier? It's not like I nvr touched this subject...I have been just had not been going in my brain. Wow...when the 'deadline' is nearby, it sure pushes u to a great extent. Of course I always wish to finish way before the deadline is here...sometimes you just don't manage to find time until the very last minute...
On another note, I find people's personalitites very hard to predict these days... One minute you think you know them so well, the next you find that you don't know the person at all... People don't change overnight they say...ah you'll be surprised... I dunno if I appear so unstable myself....but I think I can predict my moods pretty well...when C++ lab comes out, I go into 'depressed' gear, once it's done, I shift back to happy and cheerful mood again haha...well I would like to think that I'm cheerful...
So, one week of midterms...I must jia you...everyone else too!!! Jia you!!!
posted by z_jun at 1:03 PM

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