My Story
Friday, February 15, 2008
So little time
Ah haven't blogged for a long time. Past few days busy with C++ labs lor. Came back from CNY holiday only feel crushed by C++ and CTW. This is only 2 subjects and I'm already feeling lack of time...hmm... Really should learn how to balance my time. If not, C++ is gonna be filling all my time...not enough time to study other subjects also. Thank God for sit-in lab...not to say it's easy and can be done but at least now we're free for one week until the next sit-in lab. Feeling quite stupid though...the sit-in lab was pretty straightforward but can't do anything. After the lab, I always get a renewed "semangat" to start programming and learn up the new stuff cos I really feel like I know zero when I do the labs. But then, by the next lab session hmm...feel down again cos find that still cannot do. Just can hope to really grasp my basics and see if I have some inner genius to solve the rest of the labs. much to do so little time. Haven't really started my CTW assignment as well...position paper going to start soon too. Luckily I got my group members d...and I would say I like's from my course and one's from my block haha...nvr really noticed him around but come to think of it have seen him around. Really not in the mood to write u can also c from the number of posts in my blog. Hehe...especially CTW...I need to critique on an issue that I don't really have any idea what's it about la. Give me global warming and I might be still able to come out with it's what...some random searches in the airline?? Hmm...and the whole article he seems to be going on about the same Friday deadline...ah...still got 7 days left only... :(
posted by z_jun at 2:17 AM

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