My Story
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ah 1 more day to EE2012 exam...half of me is glad that it's finally arriving...half of me doesn't want to sit for the paper. Going to consultation today, instead of clearing all my doubts about the past year, I feel more stressed seeing that others know so much more than me. It's so scary that they understand or try to understand all the concepts whereas I'm the formula kind. I prefer to use the formulas...I think that's what got me through Physics in Form 6 haha. But yea I'm not good at concepts...I don't really like to understand them. To me if it works that way, fine...then I'll just do it. Haih...stressed...I know...don't compare with others but isn't it how everything works? The bell curve our grades are based's comparing with others rite...can't help it. But oh well...tmr's the day...I'll just do what I can tonight and sit for the exam tmr...hopefully I can manage some answers...2 more days...2 more papers...I wanna go home... :(
posted by z_jun at 5:24 PM

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