My Story
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Study week has's so quiet around here...guess most people have either gone home (Singaporeans or not) or gone out to mug... I realised that the best place for me to study is still in the room although my laptop is a distraction at times... Cos even if I go out whether to engin or library, I tend to sleep instead of study. Somehow I manage that...haha... But, my attention span for studying is quite short leh...sometimes after 1 hour then I tend to wander around net la...time passes so quickly when u're not studying... take tonight for instance...I want to study, but got no mood then I end up blogging, surfing the net, thinking about silly stuff...haih...don't know why but when I hv really no mood I js can't go on... :(
Lately, or maybe all the while, I've been getting agitated by what others do. Actions that I do not approve of... My opinion of myself is that I'm a very responsible person. Sometimes too responsible for my own good...reminds me of Taekwondo club last time...but at least I'll definitely get the job done...most of the time. I don't forget about stuff...I will remember or at least try very hard to remember what I should do... Different people have different attitudes towards things I guess...why must this be the case? How come not everyone has that sense of responsibility...not to a particular club or what...just the responsibility as a person, as a human being...well can't change the saying goes: if u want to change the world, change yourself first...dun get it...there's so many things I can't just express here...haih...
Lately, or maybe all the while, I've been getting agitated by what others do. Actions that I do not approve of... My opinion of myself is that I'm a very responsible person. Sometimes too responsible for my own good...reminds me of Taekwondo club last time...but at least I'll definitely get the job done...most of the time. I don't forget about stuff...I will remember or at least try very hard to remember what I should do... Different people have different attitudes towards things I guess...why must this be the case? How come not everyone has that sense of responsibility...not to a particular club or what...just the responsibility as a person, as a human being...well can't change the saying goes: if u want to change the world, change yourself first...dun get it...there's so many things I can't just express here...haih...
posted by z_jun at 10:24 PM

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