My Story
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tomorrow will be my first exam. I have been studying for exams but I don't feel like I'm putting enough effort into it. There's still so many details that I'm not sure of. But I think that's my style. I'm the touch and go kind. Know a little here and there. For tomorrow's paper, the basic ideas are there. I just hope that I can do the "designing" in the limited time given. Hopefully can do okay. Then I can start worrying about my next papers which are much tougher although they're open book. Well, like people say in open book exam means that the answers are not in there. So, makes no difference does it? At least we don't have to memorise the formulas. Studying for exams really takes my mind of everything. From daylight to night time, it's just formulas and words with the exception of badminton tournaments and some youtube videos (you can see why I say I'm not putting enough effort). When I was studying for major exams in high school last time, going online was kind of banned (well considering the connection I have at home, I can't do much online anyway haha). But now in uni, onlining is a way of communication and I can't really live without my computer anyway cos most of my materials are in soft copy. It's so funny how habits change so easily to adapt with the culture of the surrounding people. Sometimes, I even sleep quite late 1 or 2am (considered early around here). But, tonight must sleep early d... And nowadays sometimes I go out of my room to study's amazing how full school is even when there are no classes going on. Honestly I would prefer to stay in my room to study but peer pressure...haha...I mean need to discuss with frens then better go out lor... Habits change...people change... Haih...just wanna finish up exams and go home...
posted by z_jun at 6:05 PM

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