My Story
Sunday, July 31, 2005
National AP-titude
It is the year 2050 and Kuala Lumpur’s traffic jams have finally been beaten by hover-cars that zip around in mid-air on “aero-highways”. But the old issues of AP Kings, a Santa Claus economy and squeaky national products are still around.
Even though the new hover-cars don’t need roads, everybody still has to pay air-tax and air-tolls – at 20 sen per air-kilometre in the year 2050.
Of course, in the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, we have eight National Hover-Car Projects, with the three leading brands being Neutron, Hover-Dua and Zaza.
Thailand became the automotive hub of South-East Asia 30 years ago due to their open market policies and their hottest product now is the Sawadee KERABU hover-car.
Fortunately, Malaysians can also buy one cheaply because Zaza was given 500,000 AP’s to import and assemble them locally. In the local market, that model is sold as the Zaza KERBAU.
But why only two or three fellas got so many AP’s (Approved Permits) lah? I spoke to the Yang Berhormat (YB) Minister from the Kementerian Pembangunan Industri Mental dan Minda (Industrial Strength Mind and Mental Development Ministry, er . . . loosely translated) to find out The Truth.
YB, can you comment on the controversy over the APs given to Zaza, our fourth National Hover-Car maker?” I ask.
“What controversy?”
“If the Zaza people just take screwdrivers and assemble stuff from Thailand, how can they become a National Industry? Where’s the Malaysian content?”
“Got a lot what. The KERABU used Thai silk on the seats. We are using batik. They had a Loy Loy Krathong ringtone to remind people to put on their seat belts. The KERBAU has a Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita ringtone. Ours one polyphonic some more you know? Canggih tu!” explains the YB.
“Umm . . . all this sounds like surface stuff. And it still only adds up to 18%. The engine and anti-gravity boosters are still all Made in Thailand. Should public money subsidise a project that doesn’t really add to our technological know how? What about other AP Kings who don’t even have showrooms, let alone assembly plants?”
“You’re wrong there. All these people are crucial in helping us develop Malaysia’s most important growth industry.”
“Which one is that YB?”
“The Santa Claus lobby polishing industry. They only do five- star hotels you know.”
“I see.”
“This is the core of Malaysia’s Knowledge-Based K-Economy and the Development of Human Capital. It’s all about which humans you know,” stresses the Minister.
“But people are upset why tens of thousands of AP’s were awarded to Datuk Kamcheng and Tan Sri Connected bin Frenfren. I thought affirmative action was about helping the poor and disadvantaged?” I query.
“You don’t get it. You see, under the WEP or Wawasan Economic Policy, we must do everything in mega project form, we must think big. That applies to everything: buildings, airlines, airports, banks . . . Only then can we progress.”
“Sure, we need professional managers. But 30% of shares in these big companies could still be given to educational trust funds for poor fishermen and rubber tappers? Or cooperatives for underpaid government nurses and school teachers in recognition of their services?” I suggest.
“No, no. Under the WEP it’s much better to create 10 Billionaires rather than 10,000 Millionaires.”
“But people are upset that some AP Kings now have massive Italian marble mansions and luxury German hover-cars. If we create 1,000,000 Ten-Thousand-aires instead, they would all buy cheaper Malaysian products and help our economy.”
“My friend . . .” sighs YB, “It’s not just about the economy. The National Hover-Car project is also about instilling noble values.”
“THIS is the way to instill patriotism and loyalty,” he declares. “While people are busting their brains or backs at work, they can all look up to Datuk Kamcheng as a role model, an APostle for salvation. It gives people hope.
“The AP Kings also have educational value. The lesson is powerful: anybody in Malaysia can make it big, quick and easy, if they know the right way. Remember: unquestioning, slobbering loyalty equals patriotism.”
“Is there any financial link between you and these AP Kings?”
“Wait, wait. Let me get the AP Holy Book first . . .” (he takes a large leather bound book from the drawer)
“Wow!” I gasp. “A holy book of Approved Permits? Finally, the COMPLETE list?”
“No, no, not that AP. This one Ayah Pin. By the way, you were asking?”
“The link . . .”
“ Aku sumpah, I swear by the Holy Book and the Holy Teapot of Besut . . .” he thunders. “That I have absolutely, irrevocably zero, nothing, none, nada, nicht, tak’dak, meiyou, elek . . . such connection with them. In this life or the hereafter. Kamcheng frenfren only . . . Why like dat also cannot ah?”
“The KERABU costs RM100,000 in Thailand. But when it’s imported, the value declared to Customs for taxation is only RM8,888. How does that work?” I continue.
“It’s a special Gong Xi Fa Cai discount given by Customs. Applicable year round in true muhibbah spirit. Hello . . . you must look deeper. This multi-racial co-operation, the whole Ali Baba Inc love affair, is what keeps Malaysia well-oiled and running. It’s the greatest thing about this country . . .”
“Er . . . provided you are a shareholder of course . . .” he smiles.
To get a better picture, I also interviewed Prince Maha Bagus, the boss at Neutron, the first National Hover-Car Project.
“Malaysian taxpayers and customers have been supporting Neutron for a long time. What have your company’s contributions to the country been?” I ask him.
“We’ve employed so many locals and nurtured so many hover-car parts factories. Another spin-off benefit is that the public transport system, especially around Selangor, has been demoted. Since it is now a Manyak Maju First World state, everyone should fly their own vehicles. Buses are very Third World you know,” notes Prince.
“Any other gains?”
“Technology transfer of course. We now have cutting edge stuff in our products.”
“Next month, the Sawadee KERABU will announce a new engine which can run for 1,000km on three litres of tom yam soup. 1,200 km, if you add lime juice. What new developments are coming from Neutron?” I enquire.
“Next month, after 20 years of intensive R&D, we will announce that we have finally fixed our power windows!”
“Congratulations Prince! Anything else?”
“All our hover-cars will also include a free belacan-maker inside.”
“Is that a product that the public wants? Will it be as popular as that yellow Juara ice cream van from 50 years ago?”
“The people should be grateful that we have been giving them such first-class products all these years. Ingrates. What’s happened to the Asian culture of being thankful to your elders?” he complains. “Anyway, wait till you hear of our latest upgrade: every Neutron now includes free mouse traps!”
“What for?” I ask.
“We’ve discovered a curious characteristic of many Neutrons – a mysterious mouse pops up after about three years and starts squeaking all over inside hover-cars. Customers have had problems finding the mouse so we’re putting in the traps. The cheese baits will be provided free of charge – that’s what customer service is all about,” beams Prince proudly.
“So people should have full confidence in the quality of your products from now on?”
“Actually, Malaysians are not so capable. Therefore we have asked the Sarawakians to head-hunt some Germans to do our quality control. Our next model will be called the Neutron ACHTUNG!”
“Seig Heil Mein Fuehrer! But Malaysians seem to have so much more faith in the Second National Hover-Car, Hover-Dua nowadays. There is an eight-month waiting list for Hover-Dua’s latest product although customers have not even test-flown it. Whereas Neutrons . . . well . . . Could it be because you guys have misread public tastes? Or maybe there have been too many squeaking mice?” I query.
“Irrelevant, irrelevant!” he asserts. “What’s important is that we must stop AP holders from bringing in KERBAUS cheaply to compete with us. We are the only True National Hover-Car.” W
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Crazy teacher....:(
The climax came at the end of the lecture. An Indian female teacher who was with us during the talk (teachers had to accompany their classes) took over at the microphone. As expected, she scolded us for not paying attention to the lecture.
Her exact words: During the whole lecture did anyone take notes? Some of you were GOSSIPING away, some of you were SLEEPING and some of you were READING the newspaper. (She conveniently left out those who were sitting quietly and staring at the lecturer) I dunno if you all are STUPID….blah (3x)…or STUPID….blah (3x) but if you think you’re cleverer than the lecturer, you’re STUPIDER than I thought. So, I want EVERYONE who’s present today to write a one-page assignment on the analisis of this ceramah and hand it in tmr.
What the #@%$ ?!! Is she crazy or what?!! As though she heard every word that was said in the ceramah!! I bet that if we were to question her bout the lecture, she wouldn’t be able to answer them!! Halfway through the lecture, I swear I saw her head cocked sideways. Sleeping I suppose. The other half of the lecture she was busy looking around and watching the antics of the students. So I doubt that she was aware of the contents of the lecture. I’m so bloody pissed at her. Thank God she doesn’t teach my class…..
One thing I notice about ACS. I dunno if it’s cos it’s a boy’s school dat’s why the teachers are so ‘rough’ in their language or what. Yesterday the HM scolded the pupils using the word idiot. If it was once, it might be just a slip of tongue. But he repeated it again. And today this teacher used stupid 3 times. Yeah…they have to control the students but I think that if they use these kind of words it will make them rebel even more.
Anyway, today afternoon I went to PA tuition and took my ‘objective’ test. Turned out it wasn’t objective. It’s subjective!! Haha….so just hentam-ed whatever I knew. And out of 83 I got only 31.5. Hehe…but still highest among the 7 of us. =P But the next highest guy was 29 la. So it’s not like I’m very great or what. All around the same la. =P
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Oh…and my sis has streamyx in her new house in Skudai. Jealousnya….:( Nw she can go online anytime she wants. Summore can say dunno what to do online. If can, I’ll go down to Skudai and use her streamyx. :(
Monday, July 25, 2005
sin cos tan , sin cos tan
Saturday, July 23, 2005
After leaving the skool went with my family to d Myvi showroom in Chi Liung. We went to book a car. Finally!! =P Then went to Bukit Tinggi to have dinner. After dinner went to Giant cos my mum wanted to pick up some things. Reached home around 10pm. And I straight went to sleep cos I felt so tired.
What I did today
First, there are only 3 subjects. PA, chemistry and MUET. Every Friday is practical day for chemistry. The practical is kind of fun except that we always don’t get the results required. :( So we end up recording fake results. Now are only the practice experiments. God knows what I’m gonna do during the real wan. But next week me and Shu Lin are gonna do it properly, hopefully. =P
Second, we get to go back at 12.30pm which is very early compared to our normal 1.20pm.
Today is even more enjoyable cos I didn’t need to worry bout MUET. Cos we already did our presentation and today the other groups will present. =P Every time there’s MUET in the time table, I’ll feel worried cos very scared of presentation stuff. So, every time there’s MUET I’ll hope that she’s absent. But, I don’t think that’ll happen cos she already told us that she’s not the type that takes MC. :(
In the afternoon, I went to play badminton with my dad in KEC. My stamina is SO not good. I played for 20 minutes also panting so badly already. After rest, continue for 15 minutes lagi panting away. I always say my stamina is no good but what do I do about it? Nothing. :(
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Did MUET presentation about healthy lifestyle in a group. Everyone have to say something. I was shivering when out turn was there. But I wasn’t alone. I think my group members were also scared. =P
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
My chemy is so dead
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Irritating Day
Oh…and I know who died in Harry Potter Book 6 already. I wonder why people just can’t keep it to themselves. :(
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Rasa Sayang Eh
Hei lihat Nona jauh rasa sayang, sayang eh.
Buah cempedak di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan.
Kami budak baru belajar,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.
Rasa sayang, eh rasa sayang, sayang eh,
Hei lihat Nona jauh rasa sayang, sayang eh.
Dua tiga kucing berlari,
Mana sama si kucing belang.
Dua tiga boleh dicari,
Mana sama adik seorang. morning I heard the chinese version of this song on radio. Just...thinking bout it...used to sing this all the while in primary school. I was listening to the mandarin children's program *blush* yeah...children's program. I recall I used to sing the 'zhi ji die dao zhi ji pa (ownself fall down, ownself get up-direct translation)' song (when I was in Klang Kindergarten i think). Loved that song. =P
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Harry Potter

Yeah!! Harry Potter’s 6th book is coming out tmr. =P But I won’t be buying it until the soft cover version come out I guess. The hard cover is RM99.90. So expensive. :( Kher Shean told me that if pre-order in Popular got 20% discount and they even have soft cover version. God only knows where she got the info from….cos I went to Popular today and there’s only a 10% discount and NO soft cover version. She even told me she went there to order. Haih….I guess she misunderstood. So…whoever that reads the 6th book…pls don’t tell me the story….=P That’s what happened when I didn’t buy the 5th book early. I knew the story b4 I read it thanks to all the Harry Potter fans.
Enough about Harry Potter, back to school. Next week I have Physics and Chemistry monthly tests. I’m so dead. When I tried doing the tutorial my Physics teacher gave us to do, out of 29 questions….I think I could only do 10 (and that’s not even the whole question). Chemistry is also bad…for instance today, when we finished our practical on titration, we had to answer 2 questions and I didn’t even know how to do it.
“Form 6 is for hardworking ppl”…I’ve heard this statement so many times from so many ppl. I guess it’s true but I haven’t started revising anything yet. :( Doesn’t seem like I’m the hardworking person fit for Form 6. Guess I DO have to start working hard….I think I’ve said this many times…=P
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Another boring day...
Today, during our self-study period we were supposed to arrange the tables cos there was going to be a Maths quiz held in our class later in the afternoon. After much blur-ness we started arranging. Everyone in the class was helping to move the tables. However, there was this guy who was happily sitting down at his desk doing his work. Yeah la…I know he very hardworking but he was kinda blocking our progress. Even after a few ppl asked him to move….he still continued doing his work. :( So after we FINALLY arranged all the tables, he was STILL doing his work. Hmm…so they left a space for his table somewhere behind (his table was right in front and he will have to shift his heavy desk right to d back)….hehe….i wonder if they did that on purpose. =P
In the afternoon I went to the computer shop with my mum to get printer ink and internet prepaid card. I also picked up a free online game cd there. Hehe….yeah…I love computer games so very happy. Kiddy? Well…that’s me….=P
Just finished typing yet another science test paper for my dad. Took 2 hours to do it. Tiring. And there’s more to come. :( My dad wanted to pay me for typing for him….but I’m not that teruk la….help parents also take money from them wan. After all my dad is the one who gives me allowance everyday and also when I need the money for something. Yeah yeah…I know I’m a very good child. (blush) =P
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chong Wei WON!!!

YEAH!!! Chong Wei won d Malaysian Open Badminton Championship. It was a very good win cos he beat the world number 1 Lin Dan in 3 games!!! So cool…. My schoolmates went to watch d championship. They said that Chong Wei very action wo….never take pic with small kids but got take pic with working ppl. Haih….don want bad impression of him la. Maybe he tired d rite? Dun care la…he’s a good badminton player ma ok lo. =P
Well…today in school din do much cos only 1 subject teacher came into class out of 3. Chem teacher, Pn. Vanaja was out of d school. Maths teacher Pn Nik dunno go where. Absent kua….but better she dun come also...not like we learn anything from her. She practically copies the questions and the answers from our text book for us to copy. She doesn’t explain also. Might as well we read the text book ourselves. I’m not going for tuition so I gonna die la I think.
Sunday, July 10, 2005

The above pic is enclosed js for fun.
Today morning I went for Taekwondo training in Convent like every Saturday. After training, I went with my dad for breakfast in Chi Liung. Actually I wanted to eat d assam laksa there but d shop didn’t have it cos they couldn’t get d ingredients to cook it. I was SO hoping to eat it. It’s been a long time since I ate assam laksa….um….quite long….ok….so I do eat assam laksa quite often. But I think it has been some time. =P
After lunch, me n family went to Giant to walk walk. Picked some stuff up from d supermarket. We went to look at d Savvy car in d Proton showroom in Giant itself. It was too small…for a family car. D salespeople there didn’t show any interest in getting d customers to buy cars niway…so we left.
Then we went to Evergreen to but some tools for my mum’s skool. Service wasn’t really good there. Guess they were too busy. After finally getting out of d shop we went to d Perodua showroom in Chi Liung. We had a look at d MyVi. And…hey….it is quite big for a Perodua car. D inside of d car…I believe is as spacious as d Wira…. So mayb my parents will be getting dis car cos my sis wants d Wira for her ‘getting to class’ in Skudai.
For dinner, we went mamak in Palm Groove. Gosh….there was no fans at all there….so it was hot despite it being in an open area. And mosquitos were biting my legs (thankfully only when we were about to leave). Spent the whole night typing my dad’s MHS questions. (phew)