My Story
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Naughty me!!
Well...i think i almost woke the whole neighbourhood up just now cos there was a disgusting cockroach in my room. *vomits* I was screaming at it to get out of my room. Don't think it could hear me the end swept it out with a broom. Disgusting creature.
Anyway, Daniel is the Malaysian Idol. I dunno if he deserves it cos I don't follow Malaysian Idol. =P But, according to my sis he can't really sing. So, I guess his good looks helped him. It's quite unfair actually.
What am I doing online at 1.00am?? Kononnya relax after studying la. =P Also I don't have to wake up so early tmr....can't go Taekwondo cos got no transport. :(
Thursday, September 22, 2005
My end year is starting next week and I am NOT prepared yet!! I haven't touched PA and Chemistry. Only revised Physics (5 out of 11 chapters only!!!) and did a bit of Maths questions. :( And, yet I'm still coming online. :(( Very bad....but I promised myself this will be the last time I'm coming online till the end of exams...hope I'll keep my own promise. =P
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Parliament trip
1. When we hear a bell at about 10am, don’t start screaming and think that’s it’s a fire cos
the bell is just to signal the ahli Dewan Rakyat to come in for their meeting.
2. When the Yang diPertua comes in, we must stand up and bow to him. Also bow to him if u wanna leave the room.
3. Don’t bising….of course we’ll leave the bising-ing to the Dewan Rakyat ahlis. =P
4. Don’t put your hands on the chairs in front of you cos they didn’t want us to accidentally fall asleep. =)
We went into the Dewan Rakyat at 9.30am and waited till 10am for the meeting to start. Watching the meeting were both fun and shocking. My impression of the Parliament is that it’s a very no-nonsense place. Instead, you see the ahlis debating quite informally. When the pembangkang starts speaking, the others boo him and don’t really let him speak. And, when the ahlis agree with something said, they bang the tables with their hands as a sign of agreement. =P But, when they “fight” it’s more interesting to see than when they present their issues. Also, after 1 person presented his points, about 10 ppl will stand up to ask questions. Haha…fun to see who gets to ask the question. Well, basically,it was one eye-opening trip there.
At 11am, they shoo-ed us out of the Dewan Rakyat and into the Dewan Negara where we had another briefing by the Assistant Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Parliament. He was a funny guy. We could ask him questions about the Parliament but in the end, we found out that he’s engaged and might be getting married at the end of this year. =P Hehe….of course we did ask questions bout the Parliament such as why the ahlis debate like this, why Samy Vellu came for a short while and left and all the little things that my imaginative class can come up with. The PRO was very sporting and did answer most of our questions. =) We spent an hour there and I didn’t even realize so much time had passed. =P
So, in conclusion, I enjoyed myself at the Parliament. Oh yea….I was in the Parliament and I don’t think I even know how it looks like from the outside. =P After the visit to the Parliament, I was trying to make out which was the building from the bus…but I couldn’t recognize which of all the tall buildings in KL was the Parliament. =P Teruknya… =P
Monday, September 19, 2005
I’m a bit worried bout my Physics and Chemistry practical reports cos these reports are really gonna be 10% of our STPM marks. And, we can’t afford to lose many marks (if can, none at all) from our reports. I’m like giving away 1 or 2 marks in every report for Physics. Chemistry…uh….dun wanna talk bout it. Most probably lost a lot of marks there. Gee…looking back, the practical reports for SPM were worth nothing at all. Not like I did those reports properly though. =P
Oh….my class is going on a trip to the Parliament tomorrow. =) Luckily we’re going on a Tuesday cos Tuesday is a very long school day for me cos we have ALL the subjects on Tuesday. I hope that our trip will be fun but I doubt I’ll be having a lot of fun. :( Well, at least it’ll be more fun then going to school. =)
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wanna share something that one of these genius guys came up with (unrelated to MUET) :-
Study = No Fail.....(1)
No Study = Fail.....(2)
(1) + (2)
Study(No + 1) = Fail (No + 1)
So, Study = Fail!!!
Why study!!
Haha....dunno how they can think of these things. =P
I did want to post something bout the "Vote for ur Malaysian astronaut" thing. But, since I read Evelyn's blog about it, I decided to js link there cos her English is so much better than mine. =P
Sunday, September 11, 2005

Firstly, Happy 21st birthday Sue Anne!! May u become more grandma-ish and cheong hei. Nola….enough d…no need become ‘more’. Hehe…kidding ya! =P
Also, Happy advanced 17th birthday to Pei Lin. I don’t think you read my blog already but Happy Birthday anyway. =P
So, I went for the ‘6-hour’ lecture today. But it turned out to be only 3 hours in the classroom. Only 2 hours of lecture though cos we had 1 hour break. =D The other 3 hours is supposed to ‘see’ the car wan. I couldn’t do it today cos not enough time. Only 1 person can do it at 1 time. That means after a person has completed the 3 hours then only another person can start. So ‘ma huan’. So tmr have to go for another 3 hours. :( I didn’t know that learning driving involves so many processes. I still have to wait 2 more months summore cos I think I only want to start learning after MUET. :(
Saturday, September 10, 2005
After school, I went out for lunch with my family and then to Jusco. Met 2 small malay kids from Taekwondo in Jusco. I asked them if they knew that ‘training’ was tomorrow. The older sister replied: Training? Dunno. Then I realized that they might not understand training. Then repeated my sentence but replaced training with Taekwondo. Then, they said they knew. Phew….=P Their younger sister or cousin was sitting in the training and making some mumbling sounds at me. I was so bengang. Didn’t know how to react. So, I walked away…leaving them cackling (seriously) at each other.
Then, went to my aunt’s house in PJ. Didn’t stay long cos my aunt had to go out for some dinner. But, I heard that my cousin broke up with his girlfriend already. He’s already 33 and yet to get married. A bit worried for him. =P Oh…and my uncle sold his Toyota Corrola and bought a Kelisa. He was telling my mum about it before we were chased out by my aunt (she was quite late already). =P So, now my aunt is on the phone with my mum cos she feels apologetic for ‘chasing’ us out. =D
Friday, September 09, 2005
Guess who

Guess who this is.....cannot guess leh? This picture is Irene Ang more popularly known as Rosie Phua from Phua Chu Kang. Haha…she looks real different right? She went to the Marie France Bodyline for slimming. It’s so funny cos in the show she always wants to do slim wrap. =p Now, real life really slim down. In this picture, she doesn’t seem to have gone down a lot but still got a bit la. I saw the Marie France Bodyline advertisement. There also got her picture. That wan like much slimmer. I think they did something to the picture. So cannot trust these slimming companies. =D If wanna read more bout her go here.
Now that Saturdays we have school, Taekwondo is now on Sunday mornings. But, this Sunday I can’t go cos I’m going for 6-hour driving lecture. Finally I can go learn driving cos I’m officially 17!! :) Sorry ah Sue Anne….can’t ‘celebrate’ your birthday. And, don’t worry u can safely drive in Southern Park on Sunday. Even when I’ve started my driving lessons u can STILL safely drive in Southern Park. =P I not that ‘cha’ kua…. :(
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My Birthday...Nothing Special...=p

Today is my birthday. I woke up at 3.30am and found 5 messages waiting for me. Yeah…5 ppl wished me happy birthday from 12am to 1am. I would like to say thanks to these 5: Xiao Yi, Ellie, Nata, Sue Anne (kam sia) and Yoke Leng (the messages came in that order). It was nice of u all to stay awake to wish me….oh wait…or u all memang sleep this late. Whichever it is, thanks! =P
I didn’t expect a birthday wish from Xiao Yi. The rest expected la. =P I didn’t wish Xiao Yi when it was her birthday. Paiseh la…didn’t wish her but she wished me. Nvm…next year I wish her twice. =P
Thanks also to Adeline (thanks for ur card), Radha (hope ur appendix is better), Meshala (I thought u remembered how to say ‘sen ri kuai le’) Phang, Joanne and Shahlini (would have killed u if u forgot).
In school, my class has a tradition of singing ‘Happy Birthday’ song when it’s someone’s birthday. I expected it but was sitting like a blur case when they were singing. I didn’t know how to react. =( Thank you to the whole class and: Shu Lin, Ching Ching, Yee Cheng, Chee Inn, Choy Ling, Selin, Mer Yin, Elaine, Wei Yin, Hui Fung, Aswin, Arun and Tee Say. =P Looks like this whole post is a Thank You ‘card’. Hehe…what to do…the author is an uncreative person.
O yea…looks like it’ll be a grueling EIGHT 6-day schooling weeks with only a Sunday as a gap in between. I dunno if ‘they’ have lost their brains or what. ‘They’ knew the schooling schedule since like last year. Couldn’t they have thought about a solution earlier instead of making us now go to school for 8 6-day weeks?? :( Now…can’t go for Taekwondo training on Saturdays. But, I think it’s gonna be replaced (on Sundays??). Some more Sue Anne wanted to belanja breakfast in Tai Thong (no?? =P) that week start pulak.
My mum bought 4 slices of Secret Recipe cake. 1 costs RM5.30. I so big girl (17) also nvr eat so expensive cake b4!! =P The cake wasn't like 'mo dak ting' ow what. It's just every part of it has cheese in it. Unlike the 'ciplak' kinds. Every bite there's soomething in there. Taste okla. But it's VERY filling. Kinda ate the cake for dinner itself. =P The above pic is me lo.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Take care Radha
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Early holiday
Friday, September 02, 2005
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
Today we had Chemistry practical. I think if they test for our 'kan cheong' levels....I'll get FULL marks. =P Why? Cos I always dunno how to answer the questions. And ppl around me summore ask me n Shu Lin for the answers. We will smartly come up with a solution not knowing if it's wrong or rite. the end...find out that it's wrong...and teacher gets fed up and leaves the lab....we end up liquiding....telling the ppl whom we gave wrong info to change...cancelling here and there....gosh. The last 20 minutes of doing my heart beats extra fast. At last, I think got wrong also. I HATE reports. :(